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into the world of creative expression, poetry in motion, musical interpretation & emotion in action.

Shows - Workshops - Choreographies - Visual Arts

In a nutshell...

A "Dansa" was an old Provençal form of lyric poetry, a type of poetry expressing emotions or feelings, which developed during the late Middle Ages among the troubadours and was often accompanied by dancing. The term derives from Occitan word "dansar" - to dance, which is coincidentally the Creole or Kriolo spelling of "dançar" in the archipelago of Cape Verde.

Growing up in France, Yamina acquired her dance nickname & identity during Medieval festivals in which she used to dance with troubadours, trouveres and minstrels, expressing her own emotions while interpreting the music with her movements, inspired by ballet, the Middle-East and other world dances.

Today a World Fusion Dance performer roaming the globe and living half between Australia and Cape Verde, "Yamina Dansa" is a clin d'oeil to her roots, starting her career in that historical vein of ancient music and dances, while it also means "Yamina dances!" in Cape Verdean Creole.